Home Remedies For Head Lice
Home Remedies For Head Lice is needed when we get an infestation of lice on our hair and also the scalp. Some individuals suffer from head lice at certain times of the year and you can also catch head lice from other people as well. If this condition is left untreated it can cause severe itching and also can lead to hair loss as well.
Children are often seen to have head lice as it can spread very easily, especially if your child is at school. There are many treatments that can get rid of these pests, but not all of them will work for you, so you must find the right treatment for you or your child.
The Symptoms Of Head Lice
The symptoms of head lice are:
- Itchy scalp
- Feeling of movement in the hair or around the scalp
- Red sores on the scalp due to scratching
- Swollen lymph nodes
As mentioned above, head lice can spread from one person to another, this can be done by:
- Clothing such as hats, jumpers,scarves and coats
- Hair tools such as combs and brushes and hair clips
- Other items around the home such as pillows,blankets,carpet and rugs
Using home remedies for head lice has been very effective as it is gentle on the hair and scalp. Most of the head lice treatments out in the market today contain a lot of chemicals which could give you a allergic skin reaction, so if you have sensitive skin it is best to use alternative treatments to get rid of your head lice.
Here are a few home remedies for head lice that you may want to try at home:
Vinegar – Add two teaspoons of vinegar to six teaspoons of water and apply it to your hair and scalp before going to bed. This can remove head lice and also remove dandruff from the scalp.
Olive Oil – Apply olive oil to the hair until your hair looks wet from the oil. Then wear a shower cap for at least 2 – 3 hours. Once you have done that comb your hair and you should see head lice being removed from the hair.
Listerine – This mouthwash are very effective home remedies for head lice. Apply some Listerine to the hair and scalp and leave it there for at least 2 hours, then wash off.
Tea Tree Oil – This oil from Australia is very effective in removing head lice. Dilute some tea tree oil in some water and apply it to the hair. Leave it in the hair for approximately 30 minutes and then wash off.
Peppermint Oil – This essential oil can be added to water or your shampoo, you may need to do a couple of washes depending on how many head lice and eggs that you have in your hair and scalp.
These home remedies for head lice, should be able to kill and get rid of these pests and their eggs on your hair and scalp. It is also important that you do not share your hair brushes or combs, to prevent getting any more head lice. An e-book that is effective in removing head lice naturally is called Home Remedies For Head Lice, you will learn how to apply effective natural methods to kill head lice and their eggs.